The student portfolios created by Aamber Hickman’s students are standards aligned, provide meaningful evidence of learning, allow for timely, specific feedback, and reduce student anxiety. What more could you want?
Continue reading “TLCN 126 Aamber Hickman Takes Students on a Digital Portfolio Journey”TLCN 103 Marisa Thompson’s Edu Wish
Marisa Thompson hopes that the shift we are seeing now will lead to more purposeful, effective, and efficient education and better lives for teachers, students, and families.
Continue reading “TLCN 103 Marisa Thompson’s Edu Wish”TLCN 100 It’s a celebration!
So many guests, so little time. We have to admit we made our episode longer (just this once) to include nine wonderful guests, some new to the show and some familiar faces, who wanted to celebrate with us. We’ll be back to our regular 15 minute format with episode 101.
Continue reading “TLCN 100 It’s a celebration!”TLCN 099 Tom Covington and the Power of Audio
Tom Covington uses audio for assessment – and a whole lot more. And it’s easy to do!
Continue reading “TLCN 099 Tom Covington and the Power of Audio”