Gene Tavernetti has discovered that EduProtocols fit perfectly into his practice, and they will fit yours, too. Help your students smash that forgetting curve while you reduce your work load!
Continue reading “TLCN 129 Gene Tavernetti Fits In EduProtocols”TLCN 123 Valerie Sun Reimagines Education
Valerie Sun believes that, over the past year, teachers have become comfortable with being uncomfortable as they met the challenge of delivering distance learning. Now that educators are used to being uncomfortable, perhaps we can address some of the other issues we are currently facing.
Continue reading “TLCN 123 Valerie Sun Reimagines Education”TLCN 120 Stephanie Howell Coaches Teachers
Stephanie Howell meets with teachers, listens to their problems, and collaborates with the teachers to solve them. Building relationships is just the first step.
Continue reading “TLCN 120 Stephanie Howell Coaches Teachers”TLCN 118 Craig Yen Makes You More Productive
Craig Yen shares tips and tricks to help you be more productive and make your life easier. What more could you want?
Continue reading “TLCN 118 Craig Yen Makes You More Productive”TLCN 114 Teresa Ozoa has 3V Vision
It’s all in how you look at things. Teresa Ozoa explains how putting on 3V glasses teaches students critical thinking, empathy, and so much more. Imagination is your only limit.
Continue reading “TLCN 114 Teresa Ozoa has 3V Vision”TLCN 109 Kim Voge Owns Her Teaching
Kim Voge wants her students to own their learning, and she owns her teaching. She chats with us about how to be a successful educator whether you are in a virtual or face-to-face classroom environment.
Continue reading “TLCN 109 Kim Voge Owns Her Teaching”TLCN 100 It’s a celebration!
So many guests, so little time. We have to admit we made our episode longer (just this once) to include nine wonderful guests, some new to the show and some familiar faces, who wanted to celebrate with us. We’ll be back to our regular 15 minute format with episode 101.
Continue reading “TLCN 100 It’s a celebration!”TLCN 098 Kim Voge is Back (in the Classroom)
After 7 years as a technology coach, Kim Voge found herself back in the classroom. Her adjustment wasn’t always easy, but it has been rewarding.
Continue reading “TLCN 098 Kim Voge is Back (in the Classroom)”TLCN 097 Jeremiah Ruesch Reppin’ MathReps
Want to make math easier? You have to get the reps in! Jeremiah Ruesch explains what MathReps are and how you can use them with your kids, whether they are in kindergarten or calculus.
Continue reading “TLCN 097 Jeremiah Ruesch Reppin’ MathReps”