Naomi Harm is the creator of the Her-Story Global Collaboration Project, which allows students to learn more about women leaders in their local communities and around the world. It’s ISTE and CS Standards-aligned and it’s going on right now!
Continue reading “TLCN 122 Naomi Harm Tells Her-Story”TLCN 121 Joe Marquez isn’t doing normal anymore
There is so much that is awesome about the technology we are all being forced to use now. Joe Marquez doesn’t want us to leave that behind and go back to the way we’ve always done it when we leave 100% distance learning and go back to hybrid learning or face-to-face.
Continue reading “TLCN 121 Joe Marquez isn’t doing normal anymore”TLCN 118 Craig Yen Makes You More Productive
Craig Yen shares tips and tricks to help you be more productive and make your life easier. What more could you want?
Continue reading “TLCN 118 Craig Yen Makes You More Productive”TLCN 115 Melissa Hero Moves Science & Engineering Online
Student collaboration and labs are still possible, even in a distance learning setting. Melissa Hero explains how to tweak your lesson plans so your online students can learn and implement all the science and engineering practices.
Continue reading “TLCN 115 Melissa Hero Moves Science & Engineering Online”TLCN 113 Andy Losik and the 5 Cs
Student devices are so much more than fancy typewriters! Andy Losik explains how to incorporate the five Cs into your lessons to make the most of what technology has to offer without adding more stress to your day.
Continue reading “TLCN 113 Andy Losik and the 5 Cs”TLCN 111 Efrain Tovar Knows You are the Key to ELD success
Efrain Tovar is passionate about supporting our English language learners so they can succeed. He shares some tidbits on how you can connect with your students and scaffold their learning in the virtual classroom or face to face, no matter what language they speak.
Continue reading “TLCN 111 Efrain Tovar Knows You are the Key to ELD success”TLCN 109 Kim Voge Owns Her Teaching
Kim Voge wants her students to own their learning, and she owns her teaching. She chats with us about how to be a successful educator whether you are in a virtual or face-to-face classroom environment.
Continue reading “TLCN 109 Kim Voge Owns Her Teaching”TLCN 105 Ben Cogswell & Remote Learning with Younger Students
Remote learning with younger students is not as difficult as you might think. Ben Cogswell says consistency and communication are key.
Continue reading “TLCN 105 Ben Cogswell & Remote Learning with Younger Students”